Articles and interviews
It is important to reach out to the public and talk about the significance and beauty of our research. In recent years more and more of this outreach can be found on the internet. Here we collected some of these for your perusal.

Exclusion of universities from the Horizon programmes is also affecting institutions that are not officially excluded
As a member of the The Hungarian Young Academy, Imola Wilhelm participated in a survey aiming to decipher how exclusion of Hungarian universities from the Horizon programmes is affecting early-career researchers. The results were published in July as a correspondence in Nature. In addition, Imola spoke to the press about the survey, including Qubit and Science Business. Recently, Nature Carreer News published a paper on the research, quoting Imola.

Brain Awareness Week 2024: COVID and the brain
Beside the usual laboratory visits, this year we gave one of the lecturers at the BAW event of the HUN-REN BRC. Imola Wilhelm presented a lecture discussing whether the blood-brain barrier can protect against COVID19 followed by Ádám Dénes from the HUN-REN Institute of Experimental Medicine. The lecturers were interviewed by Szeged TV. The news portals Szegeder and Telex reported on the lecture on the front page. Kossuth radio asked Attila Farkas about our practical presentation of fluorescent and superresolution microscopy and interviewed Imola Wilhelm about her lecture:
Our article noticed on GlobeNews Wire
Our recent paper (Inflammasome activation in peritumoral astrocytes is a key player in breast cancer brain metastasis development) has been highlighted by a pharma company developing an inflammasome inhibitor. (January 2024)

Kinga Mészáros-Molnár has received the Junior Prima Prize and the Róbert Bárány Award
Founded in 2007, the Junior Prima Award honors excellence among the youth. In the category of Science, the Junior Prima Prize is presented to young scientists, who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of Hungarian science. Kinga is one of the awardees of the 2022 JuniorPrima Prize.
The Róbert Bárány Award recognizes the outstanding scientific achievements of young researchers within HUN-REN institutes on an international level. Congratulations to Kinga, who is one of the recipients of the 2023 prize!

Our photo on the cover of Molecular Oncology
The cover image of the September 2020 issue of Molecular Oncology was chosen from our paper: Pericyte-secreted IGF2 promotes breast cancer brain metastasis formation

L'Oreal and UNESCO awards outstanding women based on their scientific achievements. In 2021 our very own Imola Wilhelm received this prestigious award bringing much public attention to her work. News of the award appeared in multiple news outlets (mostly in Hungarian) such as Szeged 365, Délmagyar, Szeged Ma. Interviews with Imola about the award, scientific research and life as a scientist and mother can be read at Elle and Nőiváltó, listened to at Kossuth Rádió, Klubrádió, Rádió Ér and watched at RTL, Szeged TV and on national TV.

Two of our members, Imola Wilhelm and Csilla Fazakas received the Junior Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences within a few years of each other, followed up by interviews at the prestigious popular science magazine: Élet és Tudomány in 2014 and 2017.

An interview with Imola Wilhelm was published on the homepage of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office after successful completion of her postdoctoral project regarding melanoma transmigration through the blood-brain barrier.

Our laboratory frequently hosts informative presentations of our scientific work. We participate every year in Brain Research Week and Researchers’ Night. During these events we invite the public to visit our laboratory and provide some hands on experience using scientific equipment besides giving a glimpse into our work.
In 2020 meeting in person was prohibited because of COVID19 pandemic, thus our research centre combined Brain Research Week and Researchers’ Night into a single event and our presentation was delivered online. In 2021 we decided to host online again. Language is Hungarian. Videos will open in new tab: